Conversation Club for children with BKC-ih school teachers «Your kids are superheroes!»

Conversation Club for children with BKC-ih school teachers «Your kids are superheroes!»

BKC-ih and American Cultural Center are happy to invite your 7-to-12-year-olds to our Conversation Club. This event will be held on Wednesday, September 14 at 6-30 p.m. Now the conversation club will be carried out in a new confidential format. This club will be only for children, the entrance is prohibited to parents! Participants will discuss secrets of the coolest superheroes behind closed doors. Children will be able to get to know their favorite superheroes closer and even become saviors of the world. Secret task is prepared for you. Somebody told us that there was a supervillain in our world and only members of secret children’s club will be able to stop him…

Leader: Anka Zapart

Age of participants: 7 – 12 years

The registration is necessary:  Register

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