Economics&Finance Discussion Club

Economics&Finance Discussion Club

For those who are interested in current economic and finance issues. If you want to understand more about how financial systems work, discuss the modern trends in economics, learn specific terminology and practice your English in this field, you are welcome to join our Economics&Finance Discussion Club. In our biweekly sessions, we discuss articles from the well-known sources such as The Economist, The Financial Times, The Harvard Business Review. The topics include interest rate, inflation, unemployment, fiscal stimulus and other similar themes.


Next time we will talk about a Trade deficit. What is a trade deficit? Is it a problem? What are the causes of a trade deficit? What countries run the largest trade deficits? What “weapons” are used in trade wars? Please join us in the Economics&Finance club next Saturday, July 22nd. The meeting starts at 2 p.m. and should take about an hour and a half. To brush up your knowledge on the topic you can watch this short video from CrashCourse.


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