Looking ahead to 2030: how adult learning can equip people to meet the demands of the future.

Looking ahead to 2030: how adult learning can equip people to meet the demands of the future.

The American Cultural Center joyfully invites you this Monday, September 25 at 3 p.m. to our international Lecture. Over the next fifteen years and beyond, countries will face a complex set of challenges relating to issues such as mass migration, employment, inequality, environmental sustainability and accelerating technological changes. Adult learning is a central component of public policies that can help address these challenges. Adult learning contributes to the prevention of conflict and poverty, helping people learn to live together, be healthy and thrive, irrespective of their economic, social or cultural background, this makes a difference by helping people to continuously update their knowledge and skills throughout their lives so that they maintain their ability to contribute as healthy and productive members of society. The lecture will be conducted by Professor Mauris Mulsak USA- Russia. (in English)

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