Medical Discussion Club

Medical Discussion Club

«Diagnostic medical imaging, how and why»

The American Cultural Center is glad to announce that it is launching a new venue – Medical Club for the professional medical community and general public interested in medical field. There are many ways to evaluate the structures and functions of the human body through Diagnostic Medical Imaging.  This includes plain film radiographs or x-ray, ultrasound, CAT (computerized axial tomography) scans, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), Nuclear scans, and so forth.  Let us share with each other our experiences with imaging, discuss when a certain imaging modality should be used, any danger that might be associated with the imaging test, etc. In addition, further discussion could be held about what work possibilities may be present in Diagnostic Imaging and how the imaging team is structured to provide a good service to a medical facility, the physicians and patient. Event is hosted by a native speaker from the United States. Please join us on Wednesday, June 21 at 7 p.m. Meetings are held in English.


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