Presentation: «The Life and Poetry of Sylvia Plath»

Presentation: «The Life and Poetry of Sylvia Plath»

Sylvia Plath was one of the most dynamic and admired poets of the 20th century. By the time she committed suicide at the age of 30, Plath already had a following in the literary community. In the years that followed, her work attracted the attention of many readers, who saw in her verse an effort to catalogue despair, violent emotion, and obsession with death. While few critics dispute the power or the substance in Plath’s poetry, some have come to feel that its legacy is one of cynicism, ego-absorption, and a prurient fascination with suicide. In this talk we look her her life, her poetry, and her death. Please join us on Saturday, October 13 at 4 p.m. Led by a native speaker from England. (in English)

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