Presentation: «The practice of mindfulness – Introduction»

Presentation: «The practice of mindfulness – Introduction»

Mindfulness is a very powerful practice of training your attention, and it’s very simple. Being mindful is being aware of what is happening here and now without any judgement (i.e. being aware of thoughts, emotions).

It allows to interrupt the habit of getting lost in thoughts, most of which are about past or future. These thoughts often produce lots of stress which we are unable to get rid of.

The practice of mindfulness helps to learn being aware of what is happening right now, accepting it and not wishing it were different. It allows to take things the way they are without worrying.

If you want to learn this way of thinking and behaving, join our first introductory session, performed by Maria Kovaleva, a psychologist, founder of Moscow-based “Mindfulness Centre of Maria Kovaleva”.

Date: Friday, September 7th at 7 p.m. (in English)

Prior registration is needed: Register

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