Series of Classes: «The Soul of America: worldview, culture relationships»

Series of Classes: «The Soul of America: worldview, culture relationships»

We are glad to invite you on Thursday, December 8 at 7 p.m. to our new educational event, where you can take a closer look at America and uncover new cultural and social aspects. Using an interactive tool called a story map, developed by Joel Strahan, we will explore the soul of America. Every month during our meeting time, we will engage in three main activities. We will interview Americans from different parts of the country, working in different professions, living different lifestyles and attempting to achieve different goals. We will analyze each interview, comparing what we learn to the Russian culture and making observations about our differences and our similarities. Finally, during each meeting we will be introduced to a new component of the American worldview, it’s culture and the relationships that create its society. Lecture Four: We will discuss American Christmas traditions and how they relate to the changing American worldview. Led by Joel Strahan. (in English)

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