Vocabulary building

Vocabulary building

Learning a foreign language? Preparing for the language exams TOELF, IELTS, GMAT, GRE? Each exam requires you to build your vocabulary! How to effectively memorize large amounts of foreign words? Of course, with the help of modern technology! Join our group! We will prepare virtual smart cards (flashcards) for the mobile phone (iPhone or Android) Ability to prepare virtual cards (flashcards) for mobile phone will definitely come in handy at the future date! Each participant will receive 100 virtual smart cards (flashcards) for mobile phone. In addition, you will be able to meet with people who are also preparing for this exam or just find new friends. You can learn any language or to prepare for any exam, the topic for the vocabulary kit, you choose for yourself. ATTENTION! It is advisable to bring your laptop! You can create a card on a mobile phone, but it is much less convenient and takes more time. Kits will be prepared in the format .psv.txt open text format used by the application “Learn By Heart” [http://facebook.com/LearnByHeartApp] Led by Igor Volnov, programmer and developer of “Learn by Heart” and “U-Do for iPnone” mobile application. Please come on Saturday, September 23 at 2 p.m.

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