American preschool day in English

American preschool day in English

Kids Coaching in English is a full background program. Accordingly American International Standards, in which the role of the coach is helping children to do their best when they work, observe and manipulate physical objects, allowing them to discover otherwise abstract concepts themselves.​ It is through direct experience in a carefully prepared environment that adults can help children learn to think for themselves, trust their own judgments and thoughts, and learn how to be part of a community, treating others with kindness and respect. It is the coach role to articulate these experiences into words and to stimulate questions and answers so the child develops self-expression and feels increasingly self-confident. No goal is more important than a child’s positive feeling of self-worth – “I did it myself!”.

Please join us on Wednesday, October 10 at 12 p.m. Led by Mauris Mulsak (in English)

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