Interactive Lecture: «The History of the English Language through Songs and Poetry»

Interactive Lecture: «The History of the English Language through Songs and Poetry»

If you want to learn fascinating facts about the evolution of the English language, hear and learn some very ancient and exotic English songs, this is just the time and place to do it!  The program is presented by Lyubov Zolotova, a bilingual English language coach and singer, who will give you the key milestones of the history of the English language and will illustrate it with authentic songs of different times.  We will then go through the peculiarities of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation of old, middle and modern English.

You will find out:

Why the 11-12th cc English sounded more like German

Why some English words have their French “twin”

When “thee” was stopped being used and many more fascinating facts!

This is a rare opportunity to hear some of the oldest English songs and poetry surviving, some of the pieces are over 700 years old! Please join us on Friday, January 26 at 7 p.m. (In English)

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