Storytelling: Come and Tell

Storytelling: Come and Tell

Topic: Guilty pleasure

Prepare a 5-minute story about the habit, which causes in you both joy and desire to keep quiet. Maybe it’s Britney Spears’ first hits record? A piece of chocolate cake at 2 a.m. at night? The desire to gossip with a classmate? Computer games all weekend instead of cleaning? To watch Friends TV serial for the tenth time in a row? Small weaknesses break into our lives when we are tired, when we just want to relax and do nothing.

Why tell stories? Stories have gathered humans by a crackling fire for thousands of years. Some would teach to milk a wild cow, some encourage to discover new territory, some convince to make friends with a neighboring tribe. The reason story lurks around people for so long is that it moves us. Today as from beginning of humans it is a tool with high demand. Steve Jobs said the most powerful person in the world is a storyteller. Come to grow your storytelling skill at our weekly club with Ekaterina Tkach. The meeting is on Thursday, December 7 at 7 p.m. Prior registration is needed:

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